• ID: 35934
    • Main Building__
    • Main Building-_
    • ID: 35771
    • Main Building__
    • main building-_
    • ID: 38085
    • Main Building from the sky__
    • Main Building from the sky-_
    • ID: 41733
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    • Guests assemble for the Sustainable Agriculture Seminar
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    • Guests assemble for the Sustainable Agriculture Seminar
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    • Guests assemble for the Sustainable Agriculture Seminar
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    • Royal Visit July 2023
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    • Guests assemble for the Sustainable Agriculture Seminar
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    • Royal Visit July 2023
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    • St Peter's Edgmond School head teacher Claire Medhurst with pupils Penelope Luk and Monty Edge
    • ID: 41769
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    • HRH The Princess Royal in discussion with Sharon Waswa, representing AGCO Corporation and Paul Craig, representing Leprosy Mission
    • ID: 41771
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    • Her Royal Highness receives a posy from Edgmond Church of England Primary School pupil, Penelope Luk
    • ID: 41772
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    • Royal Visit July 2023
    • ID: 35736
    • Main building __
    • main building-_
    • ID: 41730
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    • Deputy Lieutenant, Shropshire, Mrs. Fiona Rogers Coltman; High Sheriff, Shropshire, Mrs. Mandy Thorn Mayor, Telford and Wrekin, Councillor Arnold England; Mayor, Newport, Councillor Ian Perry
    • ID: 41732
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    • Guests assemble for the Sustainable Agriculture Seminar
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    • Guests assemble for the Sustainable Agriculture Seminar
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    • Guests assemble for the Sustainable Agriculture Seminar
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    • Guests assemble for the Sustainable Agriculture Seminar
    • ID: 41763
    • IMG_8906.jpeg
    • The students perform a song of thanks, led by Prosper Ndayiziga
    • ID: 41765
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    • Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal meets diplomatic representatives from the Marshal Papworth short course students' home countries.
    • ID: 41775
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    • HRH and Professor Sloan meet the entomology scientists
    • ID: 41776
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    • Visiting the entomology laboratories
    • ID: 35729
    • Campus
    • Bamford Library
    • ID: 41731
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    • Royal Visit July 2023
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    • Guests assemble for the Sustainable Agriculture Seminar
    • ID: 41755
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    • Entomology: Dr Tom Pope, Laura Martinez, Nikoletta Foskolou, Eugenia Fezza, Dr Joe Roberts
    • ID: 41757
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    • Marshal Papworth Foundation Chairman Tom Arthey
    • ID: 41764
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    • Royal Visit July 2023
    • ID: 41773
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    • Vice Chancellor Prof. Ken Sloan leads HRH The Princess Royal to the entomology laboratories
    • ID: 41777
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    • In the seminar audience, Professor Ken Sloan (Vice-Chancellor), HRH The Princess Royal and Tom Arthey, Marshal Papworth Foundation Chairman
    • ID: 35721
    • Campus
    • campus
    • ID: 41737
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    • Marshal Papworth short course student Mesfin Zenebe Weldemichael with guests
    • ID: 41747
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    • Marshal Papworth students with foundation coordinator Sandra Lauridsen
    • ID: 41754
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    • Entomology team: Dr Joe Roberts, Eugenia Fezza, Nikoletta Foskolou, Laura Martinez, Dr Tom Pope
    • ID: 41758
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    • Marshal Papworth student Mahendra Rao
    • ID: 41759
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    • Marshal Papworth student Prosper Ndayiziga
    • ID: 41766
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    • HRH The Princess Royal meets some of the Marshal Papworth short course students
    • ID: 41767
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    • HRH The Princess Royal, accompanied by Vice-Chancellor Professor Ken Sloan meets some of the Marshal Papworth short course students
    • ID: 41774
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    • PhD Student, Harper Adams University, Eugenia Fezza, with HRH The Princess Royal
    • ID: 41756
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    • Marshal Papworth student Polyphile Ndayisenga
    • ID: 41762
    • IMG_8890.jpeg
    • The students perform a song of thanks
    • ID: 41760
    • IMG_8873.jpeg
    • The students perform a song of thanks
    • ID: 41768
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    • HRH The Princess Royal meets some of the Marshal Papworth short course students
    • ID: 41770
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    • L-R, Tom Arthey, Marshal Papworth Foundation; Dr Ed Harris and Dr. Edmore Mashatise, Harper Adams, HRH The Princess Royal; Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Ken Sloan
    • ID: 35726
    • Campus
    • Agricultural Engineering Innovation Centre AEIC
    • ID: 41748
    • 0T0A8875.jpg
    • diplomatic representatives from the students' home countries.
    • ID: 39242